Free ‘Engage to Prosper’ sessions to registered charities’ Boards
Some of my most fulfilling assignments come from helping people through my charity work.
Of course, the gift of money is essential for charities, particularly in this tough climate for the charity sector. I will regularly donate to my friends’ fundraisers and I’m always impressed by their commitment to causes that mean a lot to them. I understand this feeling. I experienced it. At the center of it is the Edinburgh Maggies’ Centre. They supported me greatly 10 years ago as I was going through a life changing experience. As I admired their dedication, I wanted to give something back; something that would make a difference to someone.
I believe that the gift of time is equally valuable for the receiver and so satisfying for the giver. So I offered what I was good at: coaching sessions! Knowing that you have done your part (even if it was a small contribution) to help improve the life of others gives you a sense of achievement
This year, I would like to do more… Since Staff Engagement is a passion of mine and Social Responsibility is very high on my agenda, as part of my charity work commitment this year, I’m offering 12 free sessions ‘Engage to Prosper’ to registered charities’ Boards (this 2-hour Emotional Intelligence-based session is an opportunity to reflect on how you engage with your employees and how making small changes can substantially increase on their engagement, collaboration and commitment to the organisation).
Some will argue that giving up free workshops is not worth it. I disagree! It really depends upon your ‘whys’: your values, your motivation and your emotional connections and beliefs. Doing this sits well with my values: authenticity, respect, courage and ethics. It sits well with my belief that the more you give, the more you acquire a sense of purpose and meaning. And that brings me happiness!
So if you are a registered charity and would like more information, please have a look at the Emotional Intelligence Solutions flyer in the media section and contact me. I would be delighted to assist you.