I decided to go back to University (after 15 years of respite!) and successfully completed, in a foreign language, a CIPD Post-Graduate Certificate in the Psychology of Organisational Development and Change, a Stephen Palmer Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and a MSc in Coaching (the first ever in Scotland!).
As if it wasn’t enough, I also became:
- An Action Learning Set certified Facilitator
- A Stephen Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® accredited facilitator
- A 16PF (Personality Factors) certified practitioner
- An EQ-I 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence) and EQ-I 360 certified coach
That’s me! A highly skilled Professional Coach and Organisational Development Consultant. I am passionate about people, I bring 30 years’ experience and knowledge gained across Public and Private companies in France and Scotland. With a natural talent for communications and working in a culturally diverse environment, I specialise in executive and career coaching, organisational change, leadership and talent management, personal development and design of innovative cultural and values-based development programmes.
My attitude: Life and people are precious! Treat them with respect and care.

My strengths
- I’m a great listener
- Flexibility is my second nature!
- I believe a positive attitude brings the best outcome
- I master the art of balancing challenge and support
Of all the disciplines I have studied in France and in UK, coaching has inspired me most. Over the past nine years, I have coached many directors, senior managers and members of staff in public and private sectors and designed and delivered Coaching Skills for Managers’ programmes. Passionate about art, I also coach artists, helping them discover their strengths, develop their self-confidence and uniqueness and picture their next steps. It’s a real treat to see them grow!
Reflecting back on these years, were the challenges I faced worth it? Yes. Have I stopped fire-fighting? No, it still happens at times particularly in this challenging economic climate, but this time it is a conscious choice. And I can without doubt say that I am where I wanted to be!